We discuss the rights and choices you have with regards to the personal data that we hold about you, and suggest some resources which may be useful to you
We’ll send relevant offers and news about our products and services to you, for example by email, but only if you’ve agreed to receive them. It’s easy to change your mind though. If you want to stop (or start) receiving them, here's how you can do so:
Or, you can visit our 'contact us' page and we'll be happy to help you make any changes to your account
Contact usYou have a right to find out what personal data we hold about you and how we use it. This is called a subject access request.
Subject access requestYou also have the right for some of your personal data to be “transferred” or “ported”. This is called a data portability request.
Data portability requestIn relation to your personal data, you also have the right to:
Read more about how we collect, use, store and protect your personal data
Find out more