image 1 of Nature Garden Trellis 100x200 cm PVC Green 6040704

Nature Garden Trellis 100x200 cm PVC Green 6040704



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Nature Garden Trellis 100x200 cm PVC Green 6040704
Let your beautiful clematis, vines, wisterias or climbing roses spread out on this Nature garden trellis! With a height of 200 cm, this garden trellis allows your plants to flourish, creating a picturesque natural display in your garden. The trellis is made of sturdy, weather-resistant PVC, and the separator in the included mounting kit allows you to install the trellis away from the wall to facilitate plant growth and maintenance. Important information - Colour: Green . Material: PVC . Dimensions: 100 x 0.3 x 200 cm (L x T x H) . Supplied with mounting set . Adjustable width . Ideal for clematis, vines, climbing roses, etc . Helps climbing plants grow better . A decorative addition to the wall

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