image 1 of 32 Piece Storage Bin Kit with Wall Panels Red and Black

32 Piece Storage Bin Kit with Wall Panels Red and Black

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32 Piece Storage Bin Kit with Wall Panels Red and Black
Keep your garage, craftroom and workshop organized, with this wall mounted panel and storage bin set. The functional rack with stackable boxes offers many storage possibilities for small items such as screws, nails, nuts, sockets, fittings etc. The 2 solid wall panels hold 30 boxes, which can be labeled, for better overview of all small parts. You can take out the storage bins individually and stack them on top of each other. The rack set is expandable and easily mountable onto a garage or shack wall. This storage bin kit can be arranged to suit all your needs. Important information - Colour: Black and red . Material: Plastic . Dimensions of wall panel: 350 x 382 x 18 mm (L x W x T) . Dimensions of red box: 116 x 112 x 75 mm (L x W x H) . Dimensions of black box: 116 x 161 x 75 mm (L x W x H) . Box is removeable and stackable . Each box with label slot . Delivery contains: . 2 x Wall panel . 18 x Red box . 12 x Black box

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