image 1 of Charles Bentley Odyssey Single Folding Camp Bed Heavy Duty Lightweight - Black

Charles Bentley Odyssey Single Folding Camp Bed Heavy Duty Lightweight - Black



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Charles Bentley Odyssey Single Folding Camp Bed Heavy Duty Lightweight - Black
Enhance your camping experience with the Odyssey Raised Camp Bed, your perfect companion for a restful night under the stars. This bed combines durability with convenience, featuring a lightweight aluminum frame and robust steel legs, ensuring stability and support up to 110kg. The PVC polyester fabric is both waterproof and tear-resistant, providing a comfortable and secure sleeping surface. Ideal for camping, festivals, or as an extra guest bed at home, it folds away easily into its carry case for effortless transportation and storage. Sleep elevated from cold grounds and away from dirt and insects with this sturdy, portable camp bed.
Elevated & durable designLightweight, folds for easy transportWaterproof, tear-resistant fabric

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