image 1 of HOMCOM Teen Scooter Adjustable Height Dual Brakes Rubber Wheels Kickstand, Black

HOMCOM Teen Scooter Adjustable Height Dual Brakes Rubber Wheels Kickstand, Black



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HOMCOM Teen Scooter Adjustable Height Dual Brakes Rubber Wheels Kickstand, Black
Kids will enjoy riding this HOMCOM scooter everywhere they go. With adjustable handlebars, children of different heights and ages can join the fun. They will stand on a wide foot deck for perfect balance, whilst the front and rear brakes bring the scooter to a swift stop when necessary. Whether it's the school run, around the park or up and down the street, this is the perfect scooter for kids, making outdoors extra special.WARNING(S):Protective equipment (helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards) should be worn,not to be used in traffic.
Inflatable rubber wheels make the ride smoothAdjustable handlebar for different heights and agesSuitable for ages 5+ years

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