image 1 of Elvie Stride Single Electric Breast Pump

Elvie Stride Single Electric Breast Pump



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Elvie Stride Single Electric Breast Pump
Bringing breast pumps into the modern era, the Elvie Stride is a hands-free, hospital-grade electric breast pump (150 ml) that can be connected to an app for additional features. Offering powerful, hospital-grade performance in a portable design, Elvie Stride liberates you from sockets and wires so you are free to express efficiently wherever you please.Take pumping in your stride. Powerful, yet ultra-quiet Elvie Stride is a miniature pumping powerhouse, combining a small, hospital-grade motor with noise reduction technology. Elvie Stride always blends into the background for true expression discretion. That way, you never miss a moment (or a single drop of milk).Weighing less than 150g per cup, Elvie Stride feels lightweight and compact inside your bra. The discreet silhouette looks natural under clothing and won’t weigh you down while you collect milk in-bra. This hands-free hero means no dangling bottles, no balancing acts, no wires that bind. Elvie Stride is designed to keep your hands and body free to move. Take a walk, a call, or just take time for yourself. You can do it all.And now Elvie gives you even more control. Connect to the Pump with the Elvie app to control your pump remotely, adjust intensity settings, and keep tabs on your pumping history— without needing to reach into your bra. Customise your comfort with 10 intensity settings in both Stimulation and Expression modes enabling you to pump in total comfort. Plus you can customise your pump so it always starts with your preferred settings.
Safe and hygienic: Closed system protects you and baby. BPA free.24 mm Breast Shield included.hand-wash and dishwasher safe
Sold by Bébélephant (Westchester Enterprises Ltd)

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