image 1 of Clics Magimals 6 Piece Safari Magnetic Animals

Clics Magimals 6 Piece Safari Magnetic Animals



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Clics Magimals 6 Piece Safari Magnetic Animals
Discover the fascinating animal world of the savannah with our crushable and magnetic safari animal set. Hours of fun and motor skills development await your curious child. This high quality toy set is perfect for little explorers as from 12 months and over. Clics Magimals magnetic safari animals invite grasping, building and learning. The child safe magnets and rounded edges provide the necessary safety during play. You can rest easy knowing the toy is made of high quality material. Awaken your child's imagination with the realistic safari animal designs. This set promotes cognitive development and invites playful discovery of the animal world. An absolute must have for every child's room. Make your child a joy or give the magic of the savannah to other curious babies.
Interactive, magnetic animals to connect togetherTurn your little ones into explorersConnect the 6 pieces together or mix them up
Sold by Robbie Toys (Robbie Toys Limited)

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