image 1 of Unbranded Socker Boppers Colours May Vary

Unbranded Socker Boppers Colours May Vary



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Unbranded Socker Boppers Colours May Vary
Rugged and Safe and more fun than a pillow fight, these Socker Boppers are air inflated for soft, safe fun for boys and girls and suitable for indoors and outdoors. They have a patented double cavity air chamber cushions wrist and hand and feature oversized deluxe no leak air valves for quick, easy inflation. They are Super heavy duty 12 gauge vinyl for rugged durability and fun for all ages. Directions Do not over inflate. 1. Inflate by first pinching valve at its base with your fingers while blowing into valve with mouth. Stop before filling too tightly with air. 2. Hold the valve at its base with your fingers and insert the plug into the valve opening. 3. Press the valve down into the glove so it is flat with surface. 4. Insert hand into opening and make a fist. They can help with agility, balance and coordination. Includes a repair patch. Colours may vary. Suits ages 5 years +.
Made from 12 gauage vinylComes with a repair patchColours may vary
Sold by Robbie Toys (Robbie Toys Limited)

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