image 1 of PawHut 3 Steps for Bed with Pet House Storage Boxes Grey

PawHut 3 Steps for Bed with Pet House Storage Boxes Grey



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PawHut 3 Steps for Bed with Pet House Storage Boxes Grey
If pets are constantly climbing up and down, they could get joint pain and mobility problems, especially the elderly. With these PawHut pet stairs, cats and mini dogs can reach their favourite spots without struggling, such as beds, sofas and shelves. There's also a mini house with a washable cushion - a comfortable and private spot for relaxing. Finished with removable tops on each step for extra space, where you can store toys, blankets and more, keeping your space tidy and free of clutter.
- Pet stair, cat house and storage basket in one;- A plush cushion, and can be washed as a whole;- The top of the step can be opened for storage;

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