image 1 of PawHut Wood 2-Floor Cat Condo Pet House Kitten Shelter with Window -

PawHut Wood 2-Floor Cat Condo Pet House Kitten Shelter with Window -



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PawHut Wood 2-Floor Cat Condo Pet House Kitten Shelter with Window -
A private enclosure in a stylish design - this cat house outdoor, from PawHut, will be loved by stray cats. Made from fir wood for a solid structure, this outdoor cat house is crafted into a two-tier design, giving them room to move about, so they don't become bored. There is room to make a small top section for holding a litter box if needed, with the opening roof for easy access. There are several doors and windows of cat outdoor house for easy access.Suitable for temporary accommodation/sleeping area; capacity dependent on breed and size
Suitable for two pets maximumFeatures doors, windows and an escape holeA tough and solid structure, suitable for daily use

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