image 1 of Tommee Tippee Twist & Click Nappy Bin Refill Cassettes, Pack of 12

Tommee Tippee Twist & Click Nappy Bin Refill Cassettes, Pack of 12

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Tommee Tippee Twist & Click Nappy Bin Refill Cassettes, Pack of 12
Your baby is so small but can still make a huge mess! The Twist & Click nappy bin from Tommee Tippee is the only nappy bin to twist and individually wrap each nappy, safely sealing away odours and germs, keeping your home tidy and odour-free. Our multi-layer, antibacterial GREENFILM is 100x more effective than nappy sacks as it’s Biomaster** protected to kill 99% of dangerous germs like E. coli and Staphylococcus Aureus. On contact, it stops proteins being broken down by bacteria - a process responsible for lots of nasty smells. The smart-sealing lid of the Twist & Click nappy disposal system encloses all unpleasant odours and the built-in plunger pushes nappies deep into the bin, keeping your hands clean. Our refills are quick and convenient, taking less than 1 minute† to load. The film is made from sustainably sourced sugarcane that’s 100% recycled and can be recycled endlessly. The Tommee Tippee Twist & Click nappy bin refills are compatible with all Tommee Tippee nappy disposal systems which twist – Twist & Click and Sangenic TEC. Each refill provides enough antibacterial film to wrap up to 1 months’ worth* of nappies (depending on the size and number you use) and lasts 50% longer than competitor film ††. To guarantee optimum performance and protection against odours and germs, we only recommend using original Twist & Click branded refill cassettes in your Twist & Click nappy bin. *Based on using size 1 nappies (2-5kg) ** Antibacterial protection is present in the film and not the other components of this product. Film is treated with Biomaster silver biocide tested to ISO 22196-2011. Please use biocides responsibly. † March 2023, in testing TT cassettes on average took 49 seconds to refill. †† In March 2023, TT cassettes was 50% longer on average than aftermarket prepared refills. ^The colour of the refill chassis may vary
No. 1 Nappy Disposal System in EuropeFast and convenientGuaranteed odour and germ protection
Sold by Tommee Tippee (Mayborn)

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