WESTLAND LAWN AFTERCUT AIO 80m2 2.56kg For spreader settings & lawn care tips visit gardenhealth.com/lawn-care-guide
Switch to Our Best Formula††Our latest Aftercut All in One Lawn Feed, Weed & Moss Killer formulation contains an extra herbicide active ingredient and a higher concentration of iron sulphate for improved weed and moss control.Why use Aftercut All in One Lawn Feed, Weed & Moss Killer?7 Days Fast GreeningThe right amount of nitrogen greens the lawn whilst avoiding excessive growthKills Weeds & RootsKills 12 types of weeds. At first they may grow vigorously but they will become distorted or twisted as they dieKills Moss FastIron kills the moss & it will turn black as it dies. Any discolouring of the lawn is temporaryEasy pour spout.Do not apply directly from sprout out onto lawnAftercut all in one lawn feed, weed & moss killer is effective against 12 types of weedsCommon dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)White clover (Trifolium repens)Daisy (Bellis perennis)Ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata)Creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens)Plus...Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris)Mouse-ear Chickweed (Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulagre)- Creeping Cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans)- Lesser Trefoil (Trifolium dubium)- Greater Plantain (Plantago major)- Thyme Leaved Speedwell (Veronica serpyllifolia)- Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)
GB/NI Fertiliser DeclarationCompound fertiliser (10-2-2)Total Nitrogen (N) 10.0%Phosphorus pentoxide (P₂O₅) 2.0% (0.9% P)Phosphorus pentoxide (P₂O₅) soluble in water 1.9% (0.8% P)Potassium Oxide (K₂O) 2.0% (1.7% K)Protect from frost.Contents may settle in transit.For use only as an amateur lawn treatment.Westland™ is a trademark of Westland Horticulture Ltd.© Westland Horticulture 2023
7 Days Fast GreeningKills Weeds & RootsKills Moss Fast
Pack size: 2.56KG
Net Contents
2.56kg ℮
Preparation and Usage
Instructions for Use - It's as Easy as 1,2,31. Where & when to use- Use on established lawns (6+ months old).- Apply from may-august when grass, weeds and moss are actively growing.- Allow weeds to grow 3 days before treatment to maximise leaf area for weedkiller absorption.- Apply on a calm day when the soil is moist and the grass is dry.- Do not use during drought, freezing, windy conditions or before heavy rain.2. How Much to UseCoverage80m² x 8**This pack treats 80m² equivalent to 8 car parking spaces.1 parking space = 2 x 5 metres = 10m².- Apply at a rate of 32g/m².- Avoid overdosing.3. How to Use- It is good practice to wear gloves when using the product, although it is not a requirement.- Mark out area to be treated.- Apply evenly over the marked area by hand or wheeled spreader.- Avoid contact with flowers, shrubs, fruit, vegetable plants and hard surfaces.- Avoid walking or allowing pets on treated areas until it has rained or product has been watered in and grass is fully dry.- Do not mix or use with other plant protection products.Aftercare0-1 Hours- Brush off granules immediately from hard surfaces, paving, decking, clothing and footwear to avoid staining / discolouration- Do not wash off as may cause staining48 Hours- Water the lawn within 48 hours if no rain falls4 Days- You can mow the lawn 4 days after treatment- Do not use the first 4 lawn clippings for mulching, until composted for 6 months7-14 Days- After 7-14 days rake out dead moss and weeds6 Weeks- Re-treat if necessary for heavy moss infestation or if moss returns. Re-treat large or persistent weeds once they re-grow- Do not apply more than twice per season6 Weeks- Do not re-seed or turf for at least 6 weeks after application to fill in any gaps left by weed and moss removalOur Tips for Lawn Success- Mow regularly during growing season, but don't remove more than 1/3 of the grass leaf.- Feed the lawn regularly to replace nutrients.- Treat weeds and moss where necessary.- Rake and scarify to remove dead moss and fallen leaves.- Aerate the soil to help encourage the free passage of water and nutrients.- Overseed the lawn to fill thin areas and patches with lawn seed.- Water newly sown lawn seed lightly and frequently.- For established lawns in drought conditions water heavily and infrequently.