image 1 of Chicken Wire Fence Galvanised Steel 25x1.5 m Silver

Chicken Wire Fence Galvanised Steel 25x1.5 m Silver

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Chicken Wire Fence Galvanised Steel 25x1.5 m Silver
The wire netting is not only ideal to fence, to protect trees and plants, but also perfect for the construction of aviaries, rabbit and chicken cages. The mesh fence is ideal to use for poultry confinement, and poultry houses protection. Our wire mesh allows you to fence small areas for livestock quickly and flexibly. Made of sturdy galvanised steel, this net is resistant to water and bad weather and is harmless to the earth, animals and plants. Our garden fence is easy to use and can be bent or cut to form into any desired shape. Important information - Colour: Silver . Material: Galvanised steel . Overall size: 25 x 1.5 m (L x H) . Mesh size: 19 x 19 mm (L x W) . Roll diameter: 20 cm . Wire thickness: 0.7 mm . Features square meshes

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