image 1 of Garden Raised Bed with Trellis Solid Acacia Wood

Garden Raised Bed with Trellis Solid Acacia Wood



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Garden Raised Bed with Trellis Solid Acacia Wood
This wooden raised bed, featuring a built-in trellis, will become the focal point of your garden, patio or terrace. The planter is made of solid acacia wood that has been given a light oil finish to bring out its rich, natural colour and make it weather resistant. The planter has an understated, rustic design and will add a touch of natural charm to your outdoor living space. The garden planter has a large flower box, which can accommodate a considerable number of plants and flowers. The integrated trellis will add a gorgeous, decorative effect when covered with beautiful climbing plants. Please note that wood is a natural product and may show imperfections. Important information - Material: Solid acacia wood with a light oil finish . Dimensions: 55 x 28 x 100 cm (L x W x H) . Galvanised hardware . Assembly required: Yes

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