image 1 of 3-Tier Corner Kitchen Shelf Tempered Glass

3-Tier Corner Kitchen Shelf Tempered Glass



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3-Tier Corner Kitchen Shelf Tempered Glass
With this 3-tier corner shelf, every small space can be used well. This storage unit offers smart storage space for plates, cups or even tinned goods. It can work as a spice rack, bookshelf, organiser to display small plates, art, pictures and more. You can use it in the kitchen, office, bathroom, bedroom, etc. Made of an elegant and practical combination of stainless steel and reinforced tempered glass, this unit is rust resistant and can ensure a long term use. This shelf can well fit your space with its adjustable position of each tier. The smooth surface allows you to clean it with great ease. This shelf is easy to assemble. Important information - Colour: Transparent and silver . Material: Tempered glass top and stainless steel legs . Glass top dimensions(S): 18 x 18 x 36 cm (L x W x H) . Glass top dimensions(M): 42 x 18 x 20 cm/42 x 18x 28 cm (L x W x H) . 3 Staggered shelves help maximise the worktop space . Easy to clean with smooth surface

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