image 1 of Bar Table with Cabinet Oak 115x59x200 cm

Bar Table with Cabinet Oak 115x59x200 cm



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Bar Table with Cabinet Oak 115x59x200 cm
This bar table is the perfect choice to prepare and enjoy drinks for small flats or where space is a little limited. Its contemporary design makes the table a chic addition to your kitchen or dining area. The construction of large storage cabinet will save you plenty of space that you can put bottles of wine or other items on. Thanks to the sturdy engineered wood, it is exceedingly durable, stable and easy to clean. The L-shaped frame gives the table optimum stability. You will surely feel more comfortable and enjoyable to sit beside this bar table when drinking wine or coffee. With the ideal height and special design, this high table will certainly complete the decoration of your house. Important information - Colour: Oak . Material: Engineered wood . Overall dimensions: 115 x 59 x 200 cm (L x W x H) . Table dimensions: 115 x 59 x 107.5 cm (L x W x H) . Cabinet dimensions: 59 x 35 x 200 cm (W x D x H) . With ample storage space

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