image 1 of Office Chair Height Adjustable White Mesh Fabric and Faux Leather

Office Chair Height Adjustable White Mesh Fabric and Faux Leather

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Office Chair Height Adjustable White Mesh Fabric and Faux Leather
Enjoy sitting on this office chair and upgrade your working experience with comfort! Breathable mesh fabric: Mesh fabric is a barrier material that is produced from connected strands. Mesh fabric is considered to be breathable with the overall pattern of open spaces. Solid and stable frame: The metal and plywood frame of the desk chair ensures sturdiness and stability. Adjustable height: You can use the lever to adjust the height of your seat to your liking. Convenient design: The 360-degree swivel design allows a wider range of motion. Additionally, it is convenient to move around with rolling castors. Important information - Colour: White . Material: Mesh fabric (100% polyester), faux leather (75% polyvinylchloride, 20% polyester, 5% cotton), metal, plywood . Overall dimensions: 68 x 67 x 104-114 cm (W x D x H) . Seat size: 48 x 49 cm (W x D) . Seat height from the ground: 42-52 cm . Backrest height: 67 cm . With armrests . Maximum load capacity: 110 kg . Assembly required: Yes

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