image 1 of Door Canopy Black 300x100 cm Polycarbonate

Door Canopy Black 300x100 cm Polycarbonate



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Door Canopy Black 300x100 cm Polycarbonate
This exquisite, high-quality door canopy presents an easy solution for shielding your doorway from rain, snow, hail or other bad weather conditions. Durable material: The hollow polycarbonate sheets of the front door canopy are incredibly durable, weather-resistant and corrosion-resistant. Sturdy frame: The solid construction with strong ABS brackets and aluminium bars is exceedingly stable and could strongly sustain this porch canopy. Easy installation: All required assembly accessories of the over door canopy are included for a quick and easy installation. Note:Each product comes with an assembly manual in the box for easy assembly. ‚ÄãThe roof of this door canopy cannot withstand heavy snowfall. Important information - Colour: Black . Material: PC (Polycarbonate), ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), aluminium . Size: 300 x 100 cm (L x W) . Thickness: 5 mm . Weather-resistant . Delivery contains: . 9 x Divided PC board . 4 x ABS bracket . 6 x H-shaped plastic connector . 6 x Oxidized aluminium bar

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