image 1 of BBQ Charcoal Smoker with Bottom Shelf Black

BBQ Charcoal Smoker with Bottom Shelf Black



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BBQ Charcoal Smoker with Bottom Shelf Black
With this heavy-duty charcoal smoker, consisting of generous 1 big cooking chamber and a robust firebox, you can conveniently grill and smoke delicious meat, fish and vegetables. The perfectly sealed, thick metal body gives our smoker excellent heat-retention and heat-distribution characteristics. You can monitor the temperature in the chamber with the integrated thermometer on the hood. The smoker also has two side tables on which you can place spices, ingredients, utensils and other barbecue essentials. You can also keep items within reach on the shelf underneath. Thanks to the stainless steel handle, opening the chamber is safe and convenient. The smoker is equipped with 2 wheels so it can be easily moved around for outdoor parties, picnics and gatherings. Important information - Colour: Black . Material: Powder-coated steel body + stainless steel handle . Overall dimensions: 127 x 64 x 125 cm (W x D x H) . Firebox size: 56 x 40.5 cm (L x W) . Cooking area size: 53 x 40 cm (L x W) . Cooking area height from the ground: 85.5 cm . Hood with chimney and integrated thermometer . Height-adjustable charcoal tray . 2 porcelain enamelled cooking grills . Including an ash pan with a stainless steel handle . Two folding side tables . With a bottom shelf and two wheels

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