image 1 of ProGarden BBQ Pizza Oven Black

ProGarden BBQ Pizza Oven Black



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ProGarden BBQ Pizza Oven Black
This BBQ pizza oven with a chimney from ProGarden, including cooking stone, makes the most delicious mini pizzas for your friends and family with your favourite ingredients. It is an ideal choice for every pizza lover. With this oven, you can make a crunchy pizza like a pizza maker. And not only that! The temperature rises up to 400°C in just a few minutes with its adjustable thermostat. Baking with a food-safe cooking stone absorbs moisture from the dough, giving the pizza a crispy crust. It is easy to move in your garden with its wheels. You can enjoy the baking time wherever you want. Make your own pizza in just a few minutes and enjoy it with your family and friends. Important information - Colour: Black . Material: Metal . Overall dimensions: 49 x 37 x 103 cm (L x D x H) . Thickness: 0,8 mm . Cooking height: 54-76 cm . Cooking grid: 34,5 x 24,5 cm (L x W), chromed steel . Grill: 34,5 x 24,5 cm (L x W) . Door top: 37,5 x 22 x 3,5 cm (L x W x H) . Door bottom: 37,5 x 19,6 x 3,5 cm(L x W x H) . Firebowl: 60 x 42 x 59,8 cm(L x W x H), steel with enamel . Bottom plate: 50,3 x 37,4 x 2 cm(L x W x H) . Chimney: 9,5 x 46,7 cm(L x W) . With handle and legs: steel with painting . Easy to move around with wheels . Adjustable thermostat: up to 400°C . With pizza stone . Assembly required: Yes

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