image 1 of Bathroom Mat Set 3 Pieces Fabric Turquoise

Bathroom Mat Set 3 Pieces Fabric Turquoise



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Bathroom Mat Set 3 Pieces Fabric Turquoise
Our bathroom mat set will create a luxurious look and feel to your bathroom decor. Made of 100% cotton, the mat set is anti-static, water absorbent and easy to maintain. With non-slip backing, the floor mat will stay securely in place without slipping and thus providing a safe landing when stepping out of the bath. The pedestal mat will offer you warmth and comfort. Delivery includes 1 bath mat, 1 pedestal mat and 1 toilet lid cover. Note: Our rugs are packaged in rolls for easy transport. Please allow the product some time to become perfectly straight and flat. Important information - Colour: Turquoise . Material: 100% cotton . Bath mat size: 50 x 78 cm (W x L) . Pedestal mat size: 50 x 50 cm (W x L) . Toilet lid cover size: 44 x 50 cm (W x L) . Soft to the touch . Anti-static and water-absorbent . With non-slip backing . Easy to maintain . Delivery includes 1 bath mat, 1 pedestal mat and 1 toilet lid cover . Fabric: Cotton: 100%

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