Keter Recycling Cabinet Split Premium Grey and Black 92 cm

Keter Recycling Cabinet Split Premium Grey and Black 92 cm

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Keter Recycling Cabinet Split Premium Grey and Black 92 cm
This Split Premium recycling cabinet from Keter is an excellent outdoor recycling cabinet designed to separate waste easily and efficiently. The cabinet is easy to maintain and highly secure, thanks to its lockable doors. 2x110 L capacity: The Keter recycling storage cabinet has space for two 110 L trash bags. (Trash bags are not included). Install the waste bags and start recycling. The cabinet opens automatically by pressing the lid. Recycling labels set: With the help of the added set of recycling labels, it becomes even easier to separate all your waste. Back wall made of polypropylene: The back of this outdoor recycling container is made of polypropylene sheets. The major advantage compared to a cardboard backing is that a polypropylene backing does not absorb water. Easy to assemble, use and maintain: Assembling the garden waste cabinet is a breeze. For extra strength, it is always recommended to attach the storage cabinet to a wall. We also recommend that you place the recycling cabinet in a dry place. Important information - Colour: Black and grey . Material: Plastic . Back wall material: Polypropylene . Dimensions: 68 x 39 x 92 cm (W x D x H) . Inner dimensions: 63.5 x 33.5 x 75 cm (W x D x H) . Ergonomically designed soft-touch handles . Enough space for 2x110 L trash bags (not supplied) . The lid opens automatically . Easy to use and maintain . 4 sturdy legs . Easy to assemble . With padlock facility (padlock not supplied) . Delivery contains: . 1 x Recycling labels set

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