Keter Low Storage Cabinet Garage XL Black and Sliver 99 cm

Keter Low Storage Cabinet Garage XL Black and Sliver 99 cm



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Keter Low Storage Cabinet Garage XL Black and Sliver 99 cm
This low Garage storage cabinet XL with shelves from Keter is an excellent choice for organising all your DIY objects in your garage, storage room or tool room. It provides the functionality you need in a stylish design! This cabinet features adjustable shelves, which can be adjusted to accommodate items of different sizes. It is a sleek and modern designed cabinet with an eye for detail, like sturdy handles, adjustable feet, and lockable doors for safety. With a high shelf loading capacity of 45 kg and reinforced bottom, you can even store larger objects and heavy machinery in it. The used materials are 100% recyclable, are low in maintenance and easy to clean. Important information - Colour: Black and sliver . Material: Polypropylene . Dimensions: 89 x 54 x 99 cm (W x D x H) . Shelf loading capacity: 45 kg . With adjustable shelf . With reinforced bottom (extra feet) . With lockable doors, padlock not included . Sturdy handle . Weatherproof . Easy to clean . Low maintenance . Won't fade . For indoor use

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