image 1 of Villa Aurelia Parrot Cage - 56x43x154cm

Villa Aurelia Parrot Cage - 56x43x154cm



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Villa Aurelia Parrot Cage - 56x43x154cm
This Villa Aurelia parrot cage from Strong would be perfect for parrots to play and rest in. It is a multifunctional cage that can be set down with or without the use of its base. The top of the cage can be opened, fitted with a perch and used as an additional play area. The cage itself is an ideal choice for a secondary cage, in which your pet can spend leisure time before returning home to its more standard cage. The cage is easily cleaned, thanks to a plastic drawer and plastic feeding trays. Important information - Colour: Silverstone grey . Material: Metal . Dimensions: 56 x 43 x 154 cm ( L x W x H) . Including 2 plastic steel drink/feed trays . 3 wooden perches . 4 castor wheels . Innovative new safety locks . Removable drawer . Bar distance: 20 mm . Bar thickness: 3 mm . Suitable for parrots . Inner dimensions: 56 x 40 x 75 cm (L x W x H)

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