image 1 of Folding Camping Chairs with Footrests 2 pcs Brown Textilene

Folding Camping Chairs with Footrests 2 pcs Brown Textilene

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Folding Camping Chairs with Footrests 2 pcs Brown Textilene
These camping chairs are ideal for hunting, camping, fishing, travelling and other outdoor activities. Durable material: Textilene fabric allows air to flow freely through it while being resistant to UV rays. This makes textilene ideal for hot weather. As a durable and strong material, it is highly resistant to tears, punctures and mildew. Sturdy construction: The aluminium construction of the folding camping chair ensures sturdiness and stability. Comfortable seating experience: The picnic chair has a reclining backrest, which can be adjusted in 5 positions. It also has an adjustable footrest, a padded headrest and armrests for utmost comfort. Foldable design: These double camping chairs can be easily folded when not in use for transport and storage. Important information - Colour: Brown . Material: Textilene, aluminium . Dimensions: 58 x 78 x 114 cm (L x W x H) . Maximum load capacity (per seat): 110 kg . Delivery contains: . 2 x Camping chair

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