image 1 of Toimsa Lightning 12 inch Bicycle

Toimsa Lightning 12 inch Bicycle

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Toimsa Lightning 12 inch Bicycle
Experience the thrill of zooming along on this vibrant bicycle that's as swift as lightning. Designed with a fixed rear wheel, the bike smoothly halts when pedaling ceases. Enhanced with a robust V type front brake, this bicycle ensures controlled stops. Boasting 12 inch wheels and durable EVA tires that resist punctures, it guarantees a smooth ride. Plus, the bike comes with detachable stabilizers, an adjustable saddle, and handlebars, along with a convenient front basket. Ideal for ages 3 to 5, accommodating children with heights ranging from 86 to 100 cm. Embrace outdoor fun with this dynamic 12 inch bicycle.WARNING(S):Not suitable for children under 3 years old.Only for domestic use.To be used under the supervision of an adult.Protective equipment (helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards) should be worn.Not to be used in traffic.This product contains no chemicals.
Child Height 86 to 100 cmfixed rear wheelEVA tires that resist punctures
Sold by Robbie Toys (Robbie Toys Limited)

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